Homelessness is solvable.
Supportive housing is the solution.
As the oldest and largest provider of supportive housing in Virginia, SupportWorks Housing brings together Virginia’s best support specialists and most experienced property developers to end homelessness—and saves our communities millions of dollars in the process.
For over 35 years, we’ve combined professional property development and management with unmatched, integrated support services, to deliver measurable results in Charlottesville, Richmond and South Hampton Roads.
Supportive housing is an evidence-based best practice: year over year, 96% or more of residents and program participants do not return to homelessness. Support works.
What you should know about
SupportWorks Housing

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approach and model

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and programs

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of Hope
Looking for help?
Please use the contact information below.
SupportWorks Housing can help veterans and their families at risk of homelessness directly through our rapid rehousing SSVF program. If you are at imminent risk of becoming homeless within the next 30 days or less, please contact our Intake Coordinator at 804-788-6825 ext. 260.
The Haven Intake Line
The Haven Day Shelter
112 West Market Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Homeless Connection Line
Google form
Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
107 South 5th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(Request to speak with Outreach)
Daily Planet
517 West Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23220
(Request to speak with Outreach)
Commonwealth Catholic Charities
809 Oliver Hill Way
Richmond, VA 23219
(Request to speak with Outreach)
South Hampton Roads
Regional Homeless Hotline
Our supportive housing programs are funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, so we cannot provide direct assistance until an eligible individual goes through the proper referral channels. Local housing and homelessness hotlines serve as the entry point for our referral process and can connect you to all the resources available in your region.
Get Involved
Thank you for your support of our mission to end homelessness in Virginia. Looking to get involved?
- Volunteer
For questions about volunteer opportunities, please contact Caitlin Reynolds at creynolds@supportworkshousing.org - Make a donation
To make a gift, use the link below.